Our Impact

The B Team seeks to create and cascade new norms of corporate leadership that prioritizes people and planet alongside profit. Learn more about our contributions to the collective effort of building a better world.

Impact Report 2023

Leading by doing. Working in partnership. Creating space for bold ideas. Standing up for sustainable business and economic systems change. This is how B Team leaders strive to show up in the world. We certainly don’t have all the answers, but a better future begins with having the courage to lead.

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The B Team at 10: Time to be bold

The founding B Team Leaders came together in 2013, united in the belief that business has both the capacity and the responsibility to become a driving force for social, environmental and economic benefit. A decade later, we look back on important milestones on our journey in this report, The B Team at 10.

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Impact Report 2021

If there is one underlying lesson from the past year, it might be this: change is possible when we approach our challenges collectively.

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