Posted in: news
19th May 2014
We've joined forces with the Natural Capital Coalition, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and others in an effort to develop the first ever Natural Capital Protocol (NCP) for business.
Between now and 2016, the NCP project is bringing together over 25 partners to deliver a product that is "fit for purpose" through direct contributions of companies to the protocol's technical development and piloting, in whole or in part, within their businesses. The ultimate goal is that the protocol be used by thousands of businesses around the world.
We believe that implementing the NCP will help our companies, and others, to not only better understand their impacts and dependencies on natural capital, but to also better manage risk, explore new revenue streams, cut costs, improve products and innovate in our value chains and prepare for future reporting and disclosure.