Our Strategic Priorities

From 2020-2025, we will be focused on building an inclusive economy—one that serves all of humanity—by weaving together our strategic priorities on climate, workplace equality and governance.

Inclusive Economy 2030

People everywhere deserve the opportunity to build and lead their lives in decency, security and prosperity. The public is calling for this. The wellbeing of future generations depends on it. And we have the power to change it.

Our vision of an inclusive economy aligns fully with the 2030 objectives set forth by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals. We believe an inclusive economy will bring with it a new definition for success in business. Companies and markets will measure and report on what matters—and what can benefit—all stakeholders.

Through 2025, we’ll be focused on advocating for business leadership that embraces long-term economic growth, driving the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into risk assessment and performance metrics and expanding private sector understanding of who is relevant to business models and success.

To achieve this vision, we will integrate and build upon our foundation of work in Workplace Equality, Climate and Governance.

Workplace Equality

For an inclusive economy to truly benefit everyone, respect for human rights must reside at the heart of business. We must ensure the right to safety, fairness, dignity, purpose and belonging at work for all.

Through 2025, we’ll be focused on securing this primarily around gender balance, diversity and inclusion. We’ll be equipping business leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to both build inclusive corporate cultures and advocate for supportive policy. We’ll also be working to help business leaders see gender balance, diversity and inclusion as levers for facing intersecting crises of conformity in leadership, climate, inequality and corruption.


A fundamental aspect of an inclusive economy is that it is regenerative of our planet’s natural systems. We will also never see an inclusive economy without a just transition—ensuring that no individual or community is left behind in the shift toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

For more than five years of our Climate work, we’ve called for a just transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. Through 2025, we will broaden this campaign to Climate+, which will include calls for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, net-zero species loss and net-zero waste. To do so, we’ll be focused on advocating for corporate and government commitments to 1.5°C-aligned climate targets, a just transition, nature-based solutions and net-zero emissions by 2050. We’ll also be working to foster sector-level solutions in product development and service distribution to enable exponential transformation.


Good governance and transparency in both the private and public sectors are foundational elements of an inclusive economy—helping build trust in institutions and establish accountability across economic systems.

Through 2025, we’ll be focused on furthering these robust accountability mechanisms by shifting corporate practices and advocating for policy that addresses weak governance and corruption. We’ll be working to advance corporate transparency as a norm for business, grow support for responsible corporate tax practice and examine the ethical use of data and technology. Underlying these priorities, we will also strive to strengthen business leadership around securing an enabling environment for civic freedoms that helps protect the rule of law.